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Your Dream, Our Mission - Your
Gateway to a Brighter Future

Wanted: Your Ideas for Welcoming New Immigrants for a Stronger America

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On November 21, 2014, the President established the White House Task Force on New Americans, which is made up of 16 Federal departments, agencies, and White House offices. The task force’s job is to develop and implement a strategy to help new immigrants integrate and contribute to society to their fullest potential.

The task force has set up the Idea Community, an online tool, to “crowdsource” ideas for an action plan for immigrant integration. The public is invited to join Idea Community and respond to the following questions:

  • Recognizing that integration is a two-way street, what types of community activities would bring together new Americans and long-time residents?
  • What are measurable indicators of successful immigrant integration?
  • What educational resources could the federal government develop to help immigrants better integrate into American communities?
  • How can the federal government help eligible permanent residents understand the benefits of U.S. citizenship?
  • How can the federal government better collaborate with employers, educational institutions, and other stakeholders to enhance skill development, career pathways, and integration into the workforce?
  • How can the federal government encourage employers, state and local governments, and other career-building institutions to increase access to English language programs for immigrants?

If you would like to respond to these questions, vote or comment on other people’s ideas, and offer your ideas for helping new Americans, visit the Idea Community and set up your profile.

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