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Your Dream, Our Mission - Your
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Visa Bulletin for July 2008

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The Department of State (DOS) released the Visa Bulletin for July 2008. The visa bulletin provides information regarding the availability of immigrant numbers every month. Consular and Citizenship and Immigration Services officers report the number of applicants for permanent residence. If the demand could not be satisfied within the statutory or regulatory limits, the category or foreign state in which demand was excessive was deemed oversubscribed. The cut-off date for an oversubscribed category is the priority date of the first applicant who could not be reached within the numerical limits. Only applicants who have a priority date earlier than the cut-off date may be given a number.

click here to view the visa bulletin for the month July.

Although current EB1 and EB2 (except for China and India) categories are close to the annual numerical limit and the EB3 category is unavailable to the numerical limit.

In the Family based categories, retrogression has slightly changed, except for 2A category for Mexico, which is now unavailable.

Angela M. Lopez

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